Panda Caridina Shrimp
It is not hard to guess why this shrimp is named after Panda. The black and white patterns clearly tell the story. Panda Caridina Shrimp (scientific name: Caridina cf. cantonensis var. “Panda”) is the outcome of the cross-breeding between the crystal white shrimp and crystal red shrimp. Its unique appearance makes it the most popular and always in high-demand in the aquarium trade market.
Despite the fact, Panda Caridina Shrimp are not recommended for beginners. The shrimp are considered fragile and quite sensitive to unstable water parameters. They prefer soft and slightly acidic water in cooler ranges of temperature. Clean water is absolutely a must and ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels should be kept within the limits. Like many other shrimps, Panda Caridina cannot endure copper, hence you should be careful whenever adding new species/ decorations to the tank.
Panda Caridina Shrimp appreciate live aquarium plants. They feel comfortable and secure when surrounded by java moss, buce plant, or anubias. You can also put some decorations such as rock caves or driftwood into your tank to provide the shrimp with lots of hiding places. This will help them on most occasions, especially when they are in molting and breeding periods or feel threatened.
We recommend keeping a colony of around 6 to 11 Panda Caridina Shrimp in a 10 gallon freshwater fish tank or 10 Gallons Nano tank, to encourage them to be more active as well as display the optimal coloration effect in your tank. With the right care, these shrimp are surely the spotlight in any shrimp collection.
Grade for sale at Splashy Fish Store are high quality as you can see in our product picture.
What You Can Expect From This Shrimp:
- Black and white patterns resembling a panda
- Required moderate care
- Safe with plants
- Temperature: 68° – 72°F (20° – 22°C)
- pH: 5.5 – 6.5
- KH: 0 – 2 dKH
- GH: 3 – 6 dGH
- TDS: 90 – 120
- Minimum tank size: 10 gallons
- Diet: They feed on algae and biofilm; however other high quality shrimp foods such as sinking shrimp pellets, crushed flake foods, baby brine shrimp, etc. are all accepted. Vegetation like spinach is also encouraged.
- Social behavior: Peaceful, nocturnal
- Origin: Tank-bred
- Average adult size: up to 2 inches (5 cm)
See more details about Care Guide for Caridina Shrimp
Picture credit to Caro Toth