Yellow Dumbo Premium Halfmoon Plakat Betta Fish is from 3 to 6 months old. Yellow Dumbo HMPK Betta Fish have stable gens and brewed for more than 10 years+ therefore their body, shape, color, and size are the same. In addition to our hand-selected and strict graded requirements, we ensure that these betta fish are 90% matched with pictures. The lighting we use might be different from your aquarium therefore colors might be lighter or darker depending on the light you have. Fish might likely arrive lacking color due to stress from shipping. The Fish’s colors will be back to their original color when the fish is settled down and adapted to the new tanks.
We highly recommended feeding Bettas with New Life Spectrum Betta Pallet. As it will help to enhance the health and color of your Betta. All our fish are fed with this pallet from fry to adult.
Due to the natural nature of this product, we cannot guarantee it will look exactly as picture*